邮编:030024 邮箱:zhaoyanbing@tyut.edu.cn
[1] 水工/海洋岩土工程
[2] 新型深海锚固技术
[3] 土质边坡稳定性分析及灾害防治
[1] 山西省水利科学技术研究与推广项目,水库库区边坡固化剂加固技术研究,2024/01-2024/12,主持
[2] 山西省基础研究计划面上项目,非共面载荷作用下重力贯入式板锚承载性能的大变形有限元研究,2024/01-2026/12,主持
[3] 海岸灾害及防护教育部重点实验室开放基金重点项目,系泊工程锚缆的承载性能及安全评估,2022/04-2024/04,主持
[4] 山西省应用基础研究计划青年项目,土质边坡稳定性及滑体演变规律的大变形数值模拟研究,2019/09-2022/09,主持
[5] 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目,深水系泊/安装缆绳在海床中的三维构形和输力规律,2018/01-2018/12,主持
[6] 天津市优秀博士后国际化培养计划,赴西澳大利亚大学研讨大变形有限元分析技术,2017/04-2017/07,主持
[7] 中国博士后科学基金,系泊及安装缆绳在海床中三维构形和输力规律的数值研究,2017/01-2018/06,主持
在《Ocean Engineering》、《Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering》、《Applied Ocean Research》、《岩土力学》等期刊发表论文30余篇,其中,SCI论文17篇、EI论文2篇。
[1] Cheng XL, Jiang ZQ, Wang PG; Zhao YB, Liu ZX. Bearing capacity of plate anchors subjected to average and cyclic loads in clays. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 235: 109343.
[2] Cheng XL, Jiang ZQ, Zhang JX, Wang PG, Zhao YB. Numerical investigation of inclined plate anchors in clay with linearly increasing undrained shear strength. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 236: 109579.
[3] Yang YC, Liu HX, Zhao YB. The pullout capacity of OMNI-Max anchors in clay. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 230: 109063.
[4] Zhao YB, Kim Y, Hossain MS, Nazem M, Liu J, Hu Y. Numerical advancement on the analysis of dynamically installed anchors. Ocean Engineering, 2019, 182: 343-359.
[5] Liu HX, Xiong J, Zhao YB. Three-dimensional behavior of embedded anchor lines under out-of-plane loading. Applied Ocean Research, 2018, 79: 134-148.
[6] Zhao YB, Liu HX. Key techniques in simulating comprehensive anchor behaviors by large deformation finite element analysis. Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, 2018, 140, 012001.
[7] Zhao YB, Liu HX. Toward a quick evaluation of the performance of gravity installed anchors in clay: Penetration and keying. Applied Ocean Research, 2017, 69, 148-159.
[8] Zhao YB, Liu HX, Liu MY. Failure mode and pullout capacity of anchor piles in clay. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2017, 10(3): 769-780.
[9] Liu HX, Xu K, Zhao YB. Numerical investigation on the penetration of gravity installed anchors by a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 60: 94-108.
[10] Zhao YB, Liu HX, Li PD. An efficient approach to incorporate anchor line effects into the coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian analysis of comprehensive anchor behaviors. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 59: 201-215.
[11] Zhao YB, Liu HX. Numerical implementation of the installation/mooring line and application to analyzing comprehensive anchor behaviors. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 54: 101-114.
[12] 赵燕兵, 刘海笑. 条形基础嵌入问题的大变形有限元对比分析. 天津大学学报, 2016, 49(10): 1055-1061.
[13] 李培冬, 刘海笑, 赵燕兵. 拖曳锚在海床中运动特性的大变形有限元分析. 海洋工程, 2016, 34(2): 56-63.
[14] Zhao YB, Liu HX. The drag effects on the penetration behavior of drag anchors during installation. Ocean Engineering, 2015, 109: 169-180.
[15] 宋海娟, 刘海笑, 赵燕兵. 深水锚在海床中复杂动力行为的分析模型. 海洋工程, 2015, 33(6): 35-44.
[16] Liu HX, Zhao YB. Numerical study of the penetration mechanism and kinematic behavior of drag anchors using a coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian approach. Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, 45(4): 29-39.
[17] Liu HX, Liu CL, Zhao YB, Wang C. Comparative study of reverse catenary properties of the installation line for drag anchors. Applied Ocean Research, 2014, 48: 42-54.
[18] Zhang W, Liu HX, Zhao YB, Yue YZ. Interactional properties between drag anchor and installation line. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2014, 140(2), 04013018.
[19] Liu HX, Liu CL, Zhao YB, Wang C. Reverse catenary equation of the embedded installation line and application to the kinematic model for drag anchors. Applied Ocean Research, 2013, 43: 80-87.
[20] 柳成林, 刘海笑, 赵燕兵, 王宸. 拖曳锚安装缆绳在海床中的反悬链形态研究. 岩土力学, 2013, 34(11): 3221-3228.